Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yogurt Mousse

I love yogurt. I destroy any that presents it's self to me before anyone else gets a chance to touch it! It's got a natural sweet savoury balance that I can't get enough of, and it's so welcoming to other flavours of all kinds, it's right up there with butter in my top dairy applications.
I saw yogurt mousse in a book by a Spanish chef named Oriol Balaguar. What a fantastic texture to eat yogurt as! It was made with natural yogurt, so quite plain, but after being teamed with a 'dressing' of black sesames pounded into a paste and mixed with leather wood honey, lemon juice and salt, and the sour strawberries macerated with raspberry vinegar and lemon oil, the savoury sweet balance was recreated and amplified my original emotions of yogurt it's self. the plating could do with more work but the flavours were pretty good to me.

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