Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sourdough and Chorizo Bread Salad

The idea behind this dish comes from Italian 'Panzanella', the moreish bread salad that first drew me into 'real' Italian food, outside of 'Spaghetti Bolangnese'. Being quite a staunch lover of all things Spanish food, I took it upon myself to introduce Spain and Italy to each other through classical food. This is chunks of torn up sourdough that has been tossed in a dressing made by frying chorizo to render out it's oils, and adding a little more olive oil to extend. I drop a clove of crushed garlic into the oil and allow to gently warm through before throwing in some good Spanish smoked paprika. caramelised apple dice, lemon juice, sliced raw shallots, parsley and mint turn this into some what a symphony of textures, aromas, flavours and colours. I am possibly the most proud of this, approachable yet decadent at the same time. I can imagine chilling out with a nice bottle of Rosita and eating this while hanging out watching the water in Barcelona. This makes me happy when I eat it and make it every chance I get.

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