Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Water Melon 'Turkish Delight'

This came from one of those 'random thoughts combine' moments the day before Xmas. Walking past the supermarket on my way back to work I suddenly found myself thinking about eating watermelon on Xmas day, and thinking about how much my mum loves Turkish delight. For some reason I decided I would combine the two into a nice fresh pre dessert canape, to help wake everyone up again to hit the desserts.
I compressed water melon slices with rose water over night under vacum. Compressed melons are something I quite enjoy, mainly due to the fact that you transform the fruit into a wonderful glossy, semi translucent creature, while still keeping the fresh essence of the fruit its self. The added bonus of being able to press flavours into it at the same time is just to good an opportunity to pass up.
In this application I essentially changed the texture of the watermelon closer to that of a turkish delight while still keeping a slight fresh crunch, and at the same time the rosewater being the key ingredient in the sweet takes us there. A few baby mint leaves and you now have a dessert canape which is quite simply fruit, but different ;)

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