Monday, February 1, 2010

Midnight Steak

When my lovely neighbours gave me a
pack of pre portioned beef fillet I instantly told myself I would say thank you by cooking something wonderful with it. Such a generous gift should be shown some respect after all! My plans were somewhat accelerated however when I returned home at midnight after a 16 hour day in the kitchen to hear my mother and brother talking about having some steak and asking if I would like some.....not realising exactly what meat they had in mind I said I might have a little bit. I was then asked if I would mind cooking said steak, which I had no problem with until I saw the meat in question!

With such little time and produce at hand(it was after 12 at night after all) to honour my commitment to this meat I decided simplicity was key. the meat was treated to a pan roasting and allowed to rest while I knocked up some saute potatoes with onions and confit garlic, but keeping in mind my feelings as to what this gift deserved the potatoes were finished with some truffle oil to transform our midnight snack into something quite indulgent. A pan Jus was quickly assembled with a little help from my friend mustard and finished with a monte of butter and E VOILA! midnight steak.......

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