Friday, February 12, 2010

Watermelon and Fennel Salad

Shaved fennel dressed with a 'Thai style' (a terminology I resent using, due to an over use in out of context mass media, but this is actually Thai) green chilli and ginger dressing, joining fresh shards of watermelon, delightfuly floral purple basil, nutty fried shallots and savoury prawn floss.
This is about as close as I've come to creating something of my own that resembles a true Thai salad, without actually being Thai....the assortment of textures, flavours, colours and aromas present in this dish caught me off gaurd when I came to actually eat it! The fish sauce and lime juice in the dressing on the fennel caused it to drop some juices, which in turn took the watermelons juice with it on a ride to the bottom of the bowl, intermingling and comming to a conclusion that they were suited to on another, and creating wonderful flavours that were more than excited to meet my tastebuds.
People such as David Thompson may shudder at the reference to this being Thai, but I'm confident that the proof is in the eating. Sometimes things far exceed your expectations when they're brought to fruition. Words on paper will always be just that, but to create something is a wonderful experience.

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