Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ultimate Potato chips

Having already covered the centerpiece of a Xmas meal, now I feel it important to start from the beginning. Any time there is a large group of people gathering in one place for the purpose of a meal, there is ALWAYS that period where everyone is standing around making chit chat and(from a chefs point of view) waiting to attack the spread before them. I personally hate this part. So canapes are something I think is essential in situations like this and always try to make something happen here.
These chips are something I thought would be a playful and unintimidating way to serve my family a very indulgent canape. Everyone loves potato chips, and I can assure you these were no exception, these finger sized bad boys were designed to appear simple and then twist your mind while you ate! They were triple cooked, first in chicken stock with alot of fresh bay leaves, then dried in front of a fan for 2 hours to create a crusty skin. Then fried in garlic oil at around 140C to make rich and golden, and finally finished in the oven to transform them into that crunchy chip with fluffy center that everyone dreams about secretly. On top I've piped a mixture of caramelised onion puree, finely diced Jamon Iberico, chopped parsley and Truffle oil. 16 people, 96 chips, 4:20 seconds.....proof........

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