Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Poached Pear Brulee

For my own personal tastes, desserts are more than often far too sweet, and having worked pastry for numerous years in varied styles of cuisines, I feel more pasionate about it than ever. A tradtional poached pear in many peoples hands can be so overwhelmingly sweet in it's self, only to be smothered in a thick blanket of rich chocolate sauce. I understand that alot of people drool when they think about something like that, but it's just so rich that it weighs you down for a long time afterwards.
For this version I wanted to attempt to limit that uncomfortable after effect so we can enjoy our dessert and then possibly stay awake afterwards without too much pain. To balance the sweetness of the pear its self, I made a salted sugar syrup, simply balancing the flavour into something a little more savoury and less offensive to the dental work. Flavouring the syrup with some vanilla and cinnamon. Prior to poaching all the pears were removed of thier core, allowing me, once they were cooked and cooled, to fill their little bellies with a sharp lemon mousseline. After rolling the pear in demera sugar and bruleeing with a blowstorch, I left them to rest on a dollop of lemon curd. Dishes like this excite me, for something so seemingly simple when you first look at it, it reveals it's self once on the palette and tantelises the tongue with fun flavours and textures.
The picutures are unfortunatly not as sharp as I wished, but we can't have everything :)

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