Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cakes For Afternoon Tea

One of my great loves has recently been brought back into full realisation, Baking. With a new career beginning in the private scene of the dining world I was faced with a question in the afternoon on my very first day- “do you have anything for them for afternoon tea?” Having very little clue as to what may or may not be expected I thought quickly as to what I might expect if it were me sitting out there....”sure I do, it’ll be about 45 mins” and raced to my little note books and made the first cake I could see in there. From then on in, I’ve found that they aren’t explicitly necessary, they will settle for some biscuits I’ve been told, but truth be told I find it hard to stop myself from doing so right now....

There is something magical about a freshly made cake, pastry or biscuit. While they bake they slowly create an aroma that weaves its way through every crevice into every room of where ever you may be, and then finally exploding into a rapturous scent when the oven door opens that makes everyone in the vicinity begin salivating and wanting....even if they claimed not to be hungry...having the pleasure of eating them while still warm, brings every previous conversation to a stop, and the only thing people can think about it what is before them. I love these moments.....it’s what it’s all about.
I have only had the time to snap some quick shots of a few, but every single day there is a different type made, and I hope to get more shots soon.

The first are rhubarb bars, a very crumbly shortbread is ¾ of the way cooked through, then a rhubarb curd is poured on top and baked until the curd is set. The tart curd against the crumbly shortbread creates an amazing contrast in the mouth.

The second round are different flavoured financiers. This little burnt butter friand is a favourite of mine. In this selection are raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and black currant.

After that is a cake that was not for afternoon tea but for dessert, but I feel it qualifies on its cakey nature..flourless chocolate cake that was basted with a syrup made from braising cherries in port, pureeing and passing. Then garnished with morello cherries and coco.

Lastly is one hell of a cake! Caramelised pear and ginger cake. Reminiscent of ginger bread, but soft, and luscious in its texture, the pears lending a touch of gooey goodness to it’s spongy surroundings.

What to make next......

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