Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dorada with Cauliflower and vanilla

After 2 weeks of what will hopefully be remembered as high end meals and snacks, I was faced with a painful dilemma. Stocks of almost everything were all but gone, I was exhausted, and my head refused to produce a single clear though. For hours I pondered the fate of what would be the final meal I prepared for this particular group of people and it had to be good. I found comfort in some Morcilla that I always try to have around, just because. I got my hands on some dorada and from there it was unashamedly a scratch around the cupboards and fridge. Cauliflower stalks presented themselves to me, begging to be part of the show, along with some vanilla beans that were left over from making a dessert. Morcilla loves the company of onions, so sweating them down until they were sweet was a natural step. Cous cous is a wonderful grain that can be a full meal, accompaniment or in this case, a body builder! I added the smallest touch of truffle oil to the cous cous to give it not only the necessary lubrication the grain desires, but a certain warmth on the palette, not enough to give the overwhelming kick in the face that it can so easily do. Being a lover of all things ‘natural fats’ I made a vinaigrette with the reserved Morcilla fat and some sherry vinegar to dress the fish with. The result – Crispy skinned Dorada on cauliflower and vanilla puree, and a salad of cous cous, crisp morcilla sweet onion and parsly, morcilla dressing.

DILEMA?? I think this might have been one of the tastiest yet! Here’s to improvisation!